Product Description
TASCL™ (Tapered Stencil for Cluster Culture) microplates are an innovative 3D culture device developed to easily and efficiently create homogenous multicellular 3D spheroids or embryoid bodies (EB). Extensively tested with Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, TASCL is expected to play a crucial role in regenerative medicine and in vitro drug screening that can provide patient specific and disease-specific precision medicine research.
iPS cells cultured using TASCL created multicellular spheroids or EB containing three germ layers. These EB biomimic the structure and function better than individual cells in 2D, making them suitable for studies in metabolism, toxicity, and regenerative medicine.
TASCL is a 3D microfabricated microplate made of silicone rubber with surface treatment technology. Its patented design of dense array of pass-through holes and inclined walls allows for all seeded cells to settle into the holes. In addition, its thin membrane keeps the cells within these holes, but allows for nutrients and oxygen to circulate through.